Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A welcome message from your instructor

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Let's get started!

    • Why join a LOC?

    • More reasons to join a LOC?

    • Enhancing Eye Care through Collaboration and Expertise

  • 3

    Jargon Buster

    • Entering a knowledge community with Jargon Buster (PDF)

    • Test your Learning on the Jargon Buster

  • 4

    Slidedeck on What is a LOC and Who is LOCSU?

    • Slidedeck: Introduction to LOCs and LOCSU

  • 5

    The beginner's guide to LOCs

    • Introduction

    • The effective LOC_Part 1

    • The effective LOC_Part 2

    • The effective LOC_Part 3

  • 6

    Roles within the LOC

    • Roles in the LOC and Job Descriptions

    • Test your learning

  • 7

    Next Steps...

    • More resources for you - How does NHS England work? This is out of date but a really useful background to the NHS.

    • Test your learning on How NHSE is funded

    • A video guide to recent reforms for LOCs (Please be patient it may take a few minutes to load)

    • Just a reminder: reasons to join your LOC

    • How do you join your LOC?

    • Before you go...

    • Well done - you've completed this beginner's guide to the LOC