Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

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    Why will the LOC benefit from conducting a Needs Analysis?

    • Learning Outcomes

    • Contents

    • Why complete a Needs Analysis?

    • What is a Needs Analysis?

    • How can your LOC use a Needs Analysis

    • Top Tips from LOCSU's Advancement Lead - Andy Byrne

    • Does your LOC need a Needs Analysis?

    • Strategy

    • Test your learning

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    Version 1

    • What did V1 of the NA tool look like?

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    Version 2 of the Needs Analysis via Microsoft Forms

    • Advancement Lead guide for conducting a Needs Analysis (Internal guide)

    • Instructions to send out to LOC chairs/secretaries

    • Example of the Microsoft version of the Needs Analysis (link in the next lesson)

    • Link to the LOC Needs Analysis V2 Microsoft Forms Questionnaire

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    Next Steps...

    • Case study of an LOC

    • Before you go...